
Taking a break

I'm back in wonderful Wyoming. Me and Bridger spent the last week in Salt Lake. We were able to spend time with our family and I was able to catch up with old friends that I haven't seen in quite some time. While in Utah I decided to go out on a limb and work on my domestic skills...I canned salsa and tomato juice. I had a great time and was able to spend time with my sisters-in-law. I didn't have my camera with me so I was not able to catch this event in the moment, but here is the finished result. Canning really isn't that hard...I guess I just needed someone to walk me through it.

While I was learning how to can, Bridger was learning something too...how to pull himself up to Grandma's couch!! What a handfull! This kid has determination and the bruises to prove it! It was great that my mom was able to see him learn something new, but I was happy to get home to a more baby-proof house!

This morning after laying Bridger down for his nap I noticed his room was extremely quiet. There was no way he could have been asleep so quickly, so I peeked in to find this!! After getting a quick picture I had to move his mattress down again!! I don't know if this kid will ever slow down, but I guess that is the adventure of being a mom!

1 comment:

Jessie said...

oh, man! i wish we could've got together! way to go, bridger!