
Ice Ice Baby!

I am so excited to share this post with you all!! I caught my first fish through the ice this year!!

Now, this may not sound like big news to you, but I really love ice fishing and I didn't think I was going to be able to ice fish this year because of our little man. Well, Rusty came home Saturday afternoon after fishing with some friends from work and said we needed to go!! The weather was nice and the ice was so thick (18-20 inches) that we could drive the Jeep out onto the ice and Bridger could stay warm in the car. It wasn't in my plans for the day, but I definitely needed to get out and do something fun...so we loaded up and went.

Bridger was not content to sit in his carseat while we were out having fun, so we bundled him up in his snowsuit and took him out in our arms. That didn't seem to last very long either because he is such a busy boy so.....

we made a make-shift sled out of Rusty's ice sled and Bridger's carseat!! This made him happy for a little while as long as dad was pulling him around. If Rusty had to come help me get a fish off the hook, Bridger let us know he was not happy about it.

Even though Rusty said that this little fishing trip was for me to get out, have fun, and catch some fish, I really think it was Rusty's way of getting Bridger out on the ice. Rusty has just been waiting for the day to take his little guy ice fishing and I told him he needed to wait until next year, but I guess when you have cabin fever you just don't worry about things quite as much. Thanks hun for a fun weekend...you make my life an adventure!!


Tadorton said...

He certainly is his father's son!

Jessie said...

How fun! You surely lead an adventurous life! What a cute family you have!

Tristie hearts Dax said...

congrats on the fish! you look so cute. I am so glad you had a fun day out. Those are kind of rare this time of year!