

I took Bridger to get his pictures taken while in SLC. I really wanted them to be special because this was his 1 year pictures. I stressed over what he was going to wear, tried to make sure he had a good nap and a full belly, and took snacks as a backup. Silly me!!

The sitting started out great, but went downhill quickly. Bridger was tired of the ladies in his face and all he wanted was me to hold him...surprise, surprise!! As the pictures went on most of the shots ended up with his mouth open or some terrible expression. I just had to end it before they got any worse. I was just lucky that the first shot was so great!! Check them out...


Also, I don't know why Jessie's name is on the pictures site, kind of weird!


Jessie said...

i can't see them! that's just kk main website. do you have a sitting # or anything?

Tristie hearts Dax said...

the first shot is ALWAYS the best! that is so classic mom situation. I love it. Can't wait to see the pic.