
Terrible Two's

So, we've hit it...the terrible two's. Bridger had his birthday last Friday and starting acting like a 2 year old just in time. I've heard "NO!" more in the past week and a half, than I've ever heard in my life. It seems like nothing can make this kid happy!


Kari said...

If you think 2 is bad, wait until he turns 3!! It's a good thing he is so cute!!

K said...

Congratulations on entering the world of No. Believe it or not, the day will come when you'll wish that No was the only frustrating thing he'll say in a day. Wait until he can give you a piece of his mind and tell you WHY he refuses to do it. He'll also probably throw in a couple you're mean and you're ruining my life. Ah yes.... Good times are still coming!!!

Tristie hearts Dax said...

I am feeling for you so much right now! H & P BOTH did that at age two. It was like a switch turned on and all of a sudden, they were beasts! Age 3 is much better. Recently Hunter is back in the no phase, again. It is SO annoying and frustrating!