
Number 5

Last weekend we took a road trip to Kemmerer/Logan/Randolph to celebrate Rusty's youngest brother getting married. It was a beautiful day at the Logan temple and Andrew and Stephanie couldn't have been happier! Congrats to the new couple!

This was the last of Paul and Laurie's five children to get married. I'm sure it was a bitter sweet day for them...their baby was getting married and leaving but it was the 5th temple sealing they've attended for their children. Pretty amazing to have all 5 kids make it to the temple. Maybe one day I can grow up and be as amazing as they are!!


Jessie said...

5 out of 5 is amazing! That tells a lot about his parents!

Anngee and Shane said...

That is amazing. It is probably a relief to have the last one done but it is also probably scary realizing it. I can't imagine what it will be like when the kids are grown up and gone. Then again other days I dream about it! J/K!

moller99 said...

It makes me get all nostalgic. I love the Logan Temple!! What an amazing family you married into. I can't wait to get to work with you in Young Women. I feel like a lucky gal!

cambersue said...

it's always refreshing to see a couple so new and fresh in love! our #6 is next week and wow are we ready to get some alone time without our fantastic children! they're fun, but it would be nice to go on a date once in awhile.
hey when are you guys coming?

Danielle said...

Hey Annie-baby,
I tagged you, go to my blog to read the details!! :)

moller99 said...

I tag you! Go to my blog to get the info!