
For Sale

Our house has been up on the market for about 2 1/2 weeks now. We have it listed with the lady who helped us find it 15 months ago when we moved here. She is a funny lady, originally from Poland. She still has a thick accent and is EXTREMELY dramatic. I love to talk with her on the phone; she always ends the conversation with "Well, alright my dear." It just cracks me up!! We are hopeful that we can find a buyer soon, if not the government will buy it from us (I guess there are some perks working for the government!). As soon as we sell this we will have the equity we need to begin the construction for our home in Boulder. This is quite the process!! I was hoping that I would only be homeless through August but since things seems to be moving slower than we anticipated it will definitely be into September, but let's hope not October!! I will keep you all updated!

1 comment:

Tristie hearts Dax said...

A- wild times for you. I smiled when i saw the antler by your mail box. We have that pile of antlers by our stairs, and it just made me happy to see that. Our antler pile is how many people know how to find our apt!