
Full of Thanks

As this week is Thanksgiving, I've been reflecting on things I'm grateful for. Here's my list of a few blessings I am thankful to have in my life.

1. My Boys...
I'm thankful for Rusty and Bridger because they bring such joy and adventure to my life. If I didn't have them, my life would be just like any other average life, but because of them I have memories unlike any other. Thanks men, we have lots of living left to do!!

2. My Family...
I'm thankful for a mom who takes care of me, even though I'm out of the house and far away. I often get small packages with things my mom thinks would be helpful for "her little girl". I love you mom!

I'm thankful for my brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews. I know that when I go home and see my family that I will always be accepted, no matter what. I love going home because I always find true happiness with my fam. Thanks guys!!

I'm thankful for the Kaisers. This family is a truly GREAT bunch. They have taken me in and treated me like gold since day 1. We have lots of great memories and fun times together, thank you.

3. My Religion
I'm thankful to have a Heavenly Father who loves me and has given his Son for me. I'm thankful for the priesthood, the temple, the Book of Mormon, prayer, repentance, Visiting Teaching, the Holy Ghost, and everything else about the Gospel. I wouldn't be the person I am today without the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What a blessing.

4. The Small Things...
I'm thankful for the small things in my life too. Like the beautiful sunrises I see each morning out my window, my dishwasher, reading books with my little boy, eating ice cream with Rusty, taking a drive to see the beautiful world we live in. These are just a few of the simple things in my life that I love each day.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, enjoy your great Thanksgiving dinner, and take a second to remember how blessed we are.


pamela said...

you definately would not have gotten the chance to kill a turkey in this life without rusty. i'm glad they keep things interesting for you!!

Danielle said...

Thanks for sharing your list. Sometimes I get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that I forget to stop and then about what it's about. Thanks for reminding me! :) Parker has the same shirt as Bridger has on in the top picture. Old Navy?

Tristie hearts Dax said...

thank you! your list made me think about the good stuff I have as well.