
A Long Lost Addiction

Ok, so last week when we stayed in Aladdin for the night, we turned on the television and to my surprise Grey's Anatomy was on!! We have not had television since July, and I forgot how much I loved this show!! Last year Grey's was MY televsion show, the show I lived for, couldn't stop thinking about, cried over...it was an addiction!! So, in honor of me, the person without television, please watch a little bit of Grey's tonight. Thanks, I'll be thinking of you!!


Jessie said...

JUST got done watching it. So will you have a TV anytime soon?

Danielle said...

You are hilarious. I've seen it one or two times, but the last one I saw was when some guy had a bomb in him, or something, and Meredith had to stand there and hold it perfectly still. It was a pretty good episode...I cried, I'll admit it. :)

annek said...

I don't know when or if we'll get TV. We just waste too much time wathing it so I decided we are going TV-free until after the holidays...then we'll see.