
The Nightmare Before Christmas

This weekend we ventured out and made gingerbread cookies. Many of you have been posting about gingerbread houses, but I just wasn't ready to make that commitment yet, so we did the next best thing. Like I said earlier, Bridger hasn't been thrilled about participating in my household duties, but I was able to get him up to the counter to try and roll out his own piece of dough. He thought it was cool for about a minute then left, then returned for a couple minutes, then left, repeat.

After the cookies were baked we tried to do a little decorating but Bridger just threw the sprinkles from one side of the kitchen to the other. Me and Rusty gave decorating a shot, but really our gingerbread men ended up looking like some kind of scaryHalloween creatures.

So, this may not turn into the holiday tradition I was hoping for, but at least I gave it a shot.


TheTandyFamily said...

I think they look great! Besides, they taste the same no matter how they look. Oh, I will do my tagged thing soon. Promise.

Danielle said...

Don't feel bad, all of my cooking ventures turn out that way! Are you guys going to be around at all for the holidays?

Tristie hearts Dax said...

i love that "ghost" and the naughty little gingerbread boy! you are so funny, anne. I love your blog.

annek said...

We are going to be around, but it is going to be a very quick trip. Maybe we can get the girls together this spring!!

TheTandyFamily said...

We are wanting to make some gingerbread cookies as well. What is your receipe?

TheTandyFamily said...

Please email us the recipe at joshandmiche@gmail.com



K said...

I love it! Why not have that be your tradition. Anything can become a tradition you know. There are no rules!!! Live on the edge, make it a tradition to make gingerbread ghosts. I love it.