
Trout, Trout, Trout

That is the name of Bridger's new favorite book, "Trout, Trout, Trout (A Fish Chant)" We were given this book by some friends last Christmas, but Bridger has only recently taken to the book. It seems like he could read it over and over and over every day. It's been really fun because he has caught onto some of the words and can fill in when I am reading to him. He has also learned a few new words, including the most important, trout.

Since Bridger has been infatuated with this book, Rusty really wanted to take him out fishing Saturday. Now as much as I say I love ice fishing, Saturday wasn't one of those days. It was freezing (barely 15 degrees) and I didn't want to be out in the cold, and I especially didn't want my little babe out there either. But I reluctantly loaded up the truck and headed for Dollar Lake with my boys. After a beautiful drive in the forest (and 3 poopy diapers) we got there and got bundled up for our trek out to the lake.

Luckily, the fish were biting and we were able to catch something right off for Bridger boy to see. He was excited to see the "trout" as well as the "water" and enjoyed saying "bye bye" to each fish we caught as we threw them back in the hole. He settled into the camp chair as we continued to fish and eventually he looked like this. What a good boy, he definitely has his father's blood in him...he's a true outdoorsman!!


Jessie said...

I'm cold just looking at these pictures! Glad you enjoyed it though!

Tristie hearts Dax said...

so fun. what an adventurous mama! I'll have to check that book out at the library, if i can find it.

Tadorton said...

That is so cute. He definatly is Rusty's boy. I bet it makes him proud of his boy!