
New Addition...

I'd like to announce that our little Snow College family has a new addition! Rusty's roommate and one of our greatest friends ever, Yuji Nakayama, had a baby boy named Togo. Yuji also shared news that this sweet little baby was born with Down Syndrome. This seem like such a challenge to me, but as I've struggled with this news I know that no better person could be given this little child. Yuji is the BEST person we have ever known. He was attending college here in the United States and found the gospel. He pursued the discussions and chose to be baptized. This decision was probably one of his happiest moments ever, but also most difficult knowing his family in Japan would not approve. He has been a wonderful example to us of what a true missionary is. He returned to Japan and became completely involved in his branch there. He found a beautiful Japanese girl and was married in the temple. He has had several callings and served through many difficult trials in his life. There is no one better than this guy!! In fact when Bridger was born, I joked that one day Bridger would serve his mission in Japan, under the direction of Mission President Nakayama. We love Yuji and feel blessed that he has been a part of our life. Congrats to one of our favorite people in the world...we love you and hope one day to visit, laugh, and share old memories with you again!!

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